luni, 19 septembrie 2011

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These organizations have in recent decades have gained legitimacy as valid, indeed precious espiritualprácticas benefits, psychological and spiritual (Grob, 1999;.

Ayahuasca is not the only plant of teachers in the pantheon of entheogens tools. Other indigenous peoples of the Americas have been used for thousands of years psilocybin mushrooms for spiritual and healing (Dobkin Rios, 1973 Wasson, 1980). Similarly, the peyote cactus has a long history of use by indigenous groups in Mexico (Fikes, 1996; Myerhoff, 1974; Stewart, 1987), and is now widely used in the United States by the Native American Church (LaBarre, 1989, Smith & where can I order soma generic New York Snake, 1996). Even in the early history of Western culture, the ancient Indo-Aryan texts of the Rig Veda praise the deified Soma (Pande, 1984).

Although the taxonomic identity of Soma was lost, seems to where can I order soma generic New York have been a plant or a fungus and had the power to reliably induce mystical experiencesan entheogenic excellence (Eliade, 1978, Wasson, 1968). The variety of entheogens extends far beyond the few examples I have offered here. However, ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, peyote and Soma are examples of plants that have been culturally valued for their spiritual and psychological impact on individuals and communities. In this article, I argue that the importance of entheogens lies in its role of tools as mediators between the mind and the environment. Definition where can I order soma generic New York of a psychoactive drug, as someinvokes toolperhaps a new concept for where can I order soma generic New York its ability to make a significant change in the body / mind. Commenting on the concepts of Vygotsky's psychological tools, and Jean-Souberman Steiner (1978) notes that the use where can I order soma generic New York of tools a. significant impact on internal relations and functional in the human brain (p.

Although not inclined to believe that medications such as tools, the importance of this observation is even more literal, like the tools in question are plants or chemicals ingested with the intention to change the consciousness through the manipulation of brain chemistry. In fact, the psychoactive plants and chemicals seem to defy traditional bifurcation between the physical and psychological tools that affect the mind / body (understood by modern psychologists to be identical). It is important to note how the potential of entheogens comes not only from their immediate environment neuropsychological effects, but also the social practicesritualsinto its use has traditionally been built (Dobkin Rios, 1996; Smith, 2000). The value of the protection offered for the ritual entheogen use is evident in its universal application in traditional practices (Weil, 1972/1986). Themedical evidence indicates that there is minimal risk associated with physiological psychedelic drugs (Callaway et al, 1999;. Albert Hofmann (1980), the chemist where can I order soma generic New York who first synthesized LSD and accidentally ingested, argues that the psychological risks associated with psychedelics in the Western where can I order soma generic New York cultureModernes are based on its recreational use in hazardous conditions. A ritual context, however, guarantees that are psychospiritual teacher potential of entheogenic plants to improve cognition an intriguing possibility. Howard Gardner (1983) developed a theory of multiple intelligences originally postulated seven types of intelligence (iv). He has since added a naturalist intelligence, and entertained the possibility of spiritual intelligence (1999a, 1999b). Not wanting to delve too deeply into theological territory full of pitfalls, Gardner (1999a) was established in existential intelligence, for more spiritual intelligence (p. The existential intelligence, as Gardner characterizes it, involves having an increased ability to appreciate and respond to the cosmological puzzles that define the human condition, an exceptional awareness of the mysteries metaphysical, ontological and epistemological issues that have been a constant concern for people of all cultures (1999a).

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